The Bhagwad Gita — Chapter 16

The Bhagwad Gita

Chapter 16

Sanjay Mehta

दैवासुर सम्पदा विभाग

Yog of Division between
the Divine and the
Demonical Properties

In Chapter 14, Bgagwan explained that the three Guna-s (tendencies) namely Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic, which are born out of Prakrity, bind the individual.

This chapter defines divine (Daivik) qualities and not-divine(Asuri) dispositions. Divine qualities are belpful in adopting a way of life which in turn is helpful in progressing on spiritual path:  shifting focus from what I am to who I am or shifting focus from perishable (Anaatma) to impreshable (Atma),

Divine qualities define do’s and don’t’s of day-to-day life.  Bhagwan enumerates 26 divine qualities from Abhyam (absence of fear) to Naatimaanitaa (humility).  Cultivation of these qualities within is a path to be a well-rounded human being/saadhak/vaishnav-jan:

अभयं सत्त्वसंशुद्धिर्ज्ञानयोगव्यवस्थितिः ;
दानं दमश्च यज्ञश्च स्वाध्यायस्तप आर्जवम्
|| १ ||

Abhayam sattvasamshuddhirjnanaYogvyavasthitih ;
Daanam damashch yajnasca
svaadhyayastapa aarjavam ||1||

  1. Fearlessness (Abhayam)
  2. Purity of heart (satvasamshuddih)
  3. Steadfast in knowledge and Yog (JnanaYogvyavasthitih)
  4. Charity (Daana)
  5. Control of senses (Dama)
  6. Sacrifice (Yajna)
  7. Study of shastra (Swaadhyaaya)
  8. Austerity (Tapas)
  9. Straightforwardness (Arjavam)
  10. Harmlessness (Ahimsa)
  11. Truthfulness (Satyam)
  12. Ansence of anger (Akrodha)
  13. Renunciation (Tyaagah)
  14. Peacefulness (Shanti)
  15. Absence of fault finding (Apaishunam)
  16. Compassion towards beings (Dayaa)
  17. Freedom from covetousness (Aloluptvam)
  18. Gentleness (Mardavam)
  19. Modesty (Hrih)
  20. Absence of fickleness (Achapalam)
  21. Vigour (Tejas)
  22. Forgiveness (Kshamaa)
  23. Fortitude (Dhriti)
  24. Purity (Shaucham)
  25. Absence of Hatred (Adroha)
  26. Humility (Naatimaanitaa )

Person with Daivik qualities is the one who is pure and revels in positivity.  Person with Asuri deispositions is the one who is impure and revels in negativity.

त्रिविध नरकस्येदं द्वारं नाशनमात्मनः;
कामः क्रोधस्तथा लोभस्तस्मादेतत्रयं त्यजेत
|| १ ||

Trividham narakasyedam dvaaram nashnamaatmanah ;
Kaamah kroodhastatah loobhastasmaadeetattrayam tyajet ||1||

Bhagwan condenses all Aasuri dispositions (Sampada) into three basic defects of weak points.  He calls them three gateways leading to hell or self-destruction:

  1. Kaama (Illegitimate desires)
  2. Lobha (Greed)
  3. Krodh (Anger)

I plus ‘want’ becomes desire, I plus ‘want’ plus ‘need more’ becomes greed and any obstructions in fulfilment of desire produce anger.

Bhagwan concludes the teaching of Daivik and Aasuri sampada by emphasizing the significance of injunctions of Shaastra in overcoming Aasuti disposition and strengthening Diavik sampada.  The one who lives according to the impulse of desire attains neither purity, nor happiness and gets entangled into three gateways leading to self-destruction.  Let Shaastra be the guide regarding do’s and don’ts.

तस्माच्छास्त्रम प्रमाण ते कार्याकार्यव्यवस्थितौ ;
ज्ञात्वा शास्त्रविधानोंक्तं कर्म कर्तुमिहार्हसि
|| २४ ||

Tasmaachhstram pramaanam tee kaaryaakaaryavyavasthistau ;
Gyaatvaa shaastravidhaanaanooktam karma kartumihaarhasi

Therefore, the Shaastra (spiritual texts) are the source of knowledge for you in determining the do’s and don’ts.  Having comprehended the teaching of Shaastra, you should do your duty in this world.


“कामः क्रोध: तथा लोभः नरकस्य द्वारम्

Kaama (illegitimate desires), Krodha (anger), Lobha (greed) lead to self-destruction.

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